Popup menu web control for JSP with support for IE, Firefox, Opera and others. Web control is an extensively tested Java bean, which provides a server-side object model that allows programmatic configuration of the menu. Studio application provides an intuitive layout, on-the-fly preview mode, local and server path options, and automatic source code creation. DHTML features include a horizontal/vertical menubar, drag-and-Dock ability, scrollable groups, client-side events and custom page integration through JavaScript functions. Includes complete help system, object reference and sample pages. Saved projects are even compatible with optional ASP and ASP.NET components to allow migration into other development environments.
XHTML and HTML Compatibility - Can function within pages that are designed in either XHTML 1 and HTML 4.
What's New in WebMenu 5.1.97
*Detection for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 BETA added for the purpose of compatibility testing. Please report any rendering problems with these browsers to: devsupport@coalesys.com
*Internet Explorer 5.x support has been downgraded and will render WebMenu's "downlevel" HTML.
*ASP.NET 4.0 Compiled DLL included. You will now find DLLs compiled for the ASP.NET 1.x, 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0 frameworks in the product's installation /bin directory. Choose the correct version depending on your environment.
*Added support for making the built-in MenuBar look and act like a TabStrip, controlled through two new properties (also see the "TabStrip" sample installed with the product):
*Added support for displaying the popup menus in a horizontal fashion, controlled through the new property (also see the "HorizontalPopup" sample installed with the product):
*Added a new sample application that demonstrates creating a customizable site map from the WebMenu control.